League Fees


Below are the ‘Basic Fees’.  If paid by the date set each year, the Early Bird discount of $12.50 (half season) will be applied.  In addition, GST will be applied on the Basic Fee, plus the annual Curl BC and Curling Canada Fee of $22.00.  BCIMCA fees are included in “Basic Fees”.

We are offering 1/2 Season Leagues only. The Fall Leagues will run from mid October to Christmas and the Winter League will run from January to mid March.  10 Games per session.

The Registration window for the Winter League is from Nov 25 through Dec 25, 2024. All payments are due before the session begins, no later than January 2, 2025. Curlers who submit their payments late will be charged an additional $50. 

    • 1 League:                       1/2 Season:  $120.00
    • Senior Mixed:               1/2 Season:  $102.00
    • Senior Men’s:               1/2 Season:  $85.00
    • Doubles Open:            1/2 Season:  $85.00
    • Stick/Sturling:             1/2 Season:  $85.00
    • Locker:                         $30.00 plus GST (only paid once per season) = $31.50

We provide various discounts for league play. Curlers receive a 40% discount off their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th (or more) leagues. Juniors (curlers under the age of 18) will receive $60.00 off a regular league. Registered Special Olympic curlers and Honorary Members do not need to pay league fees.