Nomination Criteria for Honorary Life Membership for the Creston Curling Club
This is a very PRESTIGIOUS AWARD! An honorary Life membership should not be awarded because a member has worked for one or two years only or has become a curling champ!
Nominations should consider the following criteria and include examples where possible.
- A dedicated long term member who is entering their senior years of curling, a member who has consistently and unselfishly worked and curled for many years,
- A member who has helped in the building and maintenance of the club, for example, helping with the ice installation and removal, decorating and painting or cleaning,
- A member who has helped with club activities, for example, bonspiels, play-downs, bar duty
- A member who has served on the club executive or as a Club/Competitive coach,
- A member who has helped to promote and encourage curling by taking in new curlers, and by participating in local and out-of-town functions,
- A member who is consistently a good Sport in all situations, is respectful of people and property on and off the ice!
Please submit Nominations in writing to the Club’s email to the attention of the Board Secretary.