Curl BC Newsletters

Benefits of Curl BC Membership
As an affiliate of Curl BC, are part of a network of curling centres throughout the province and country wide. We have access to various benefits both at a club level and an individual level. As a club, Curl BC supports us through courses and workshops for managers, board members, coaches, and ice technicians. They will promote our bonspiels. They provide bonspiels boards and score cards, help with Open House promotional posters and more. We have access to discounted insurance coverage. Volunteers at member facilities can complete a criminal record at no charge. As individual members, we have personal accident insurance when we curl. We’re eligible for special deals from our sponsors, including Belair direct home insurance, Johnson travel insurance, Best Western Hotels and Resorts, and Original 16 Brewing. As part of the curling community in BC we can connect easily with other provincial clubs for networking and support through social media groups, zone meetings, and coffee chats throughout the year.

Here is the link to access all Curl BC Newsletters

Curl BC Newsletters