Wild Chicken Spiel 2025

First off some important THANK YOUs.
To Ted Hutchinson for building the wonderful and unique trophy.
To Mel Joy and kitchen volunteers for the wonderful meals they cooked up on Saturday.
To the ladies who supplied the Sunday chili luncheon.
To Josh and his ice volunteers that did a great job on the ice as well as the other tasks they were assigned.
To Terry O’Connor who came through fabulously by helping score keep and do 50/50s.
Thank you to Nancy and her decorating committee.
Specials mentions to Suzan/Nelson/Denise and Terry Jaeger!
Of course we cannot neglect to mention the great bartending for our spiel!
There was so many volunteers that stepped forward to ensure a very successful and fun bonspiel.
We understand some teams are already planning their costumes for our next Wild Chicken Bonspiel.
Next year we are hoping to increase the number of teams and cash prizes and look forward to putting together another exciting event!

And the Winners are…

A Event: The Silly Cluckers

B Event: The Pecky Blinders

C Event: For Flock Sake

D Event: The Dumb Sticks

E Event: The Hatchlings